Sales Rep Locator

Check the map to find your sales representative or call the main office and we will direct you

Mid-East Region

Leslie Niles

P.O. Box 297 Appleton, WI 54912-0297
P 920-574-3410
F 920-574-3412
Leslie Niles.png sales-map-mideast.png

Northern Region

Kevin Pomasl

P.O. Box 267, Antigo, WI 54490
P 800-686-6886
F 715-627-7504
Kevin-Pomasl.jpg sales-map-northern.png

Mid-West/North-East Region

Dan Schultz

N1393 Timber Creek Rd., Fremont, WI 54940
P 920-470-3790
F 920-667-4275
dan-schultz.jpg sales-map-northeast-midwest.png

Green Lake Region

Joel Strahota

615 E. John St., Markesan, WI 53946
P 800-236-8234
F 920-398-8026
Joel-Strahota.jpg sales-map-greenlake.png

Customer Service Manager

Vicki Bartelt

P.O. Box 297 Appleton, WI 54912-0297
P 920-295-7446
F 920-574-3412
vickie-bartlett.jpg sales-map-manager.png

Meet Our Service Staff

Red Power Diesel Service (Manager)

Gregg Gisvold

W1588 Alp Ave , Freemont, WI 54940
P 920-428-4605

Red Power Diesel Service

Dave Schneider

W1588 Alp Ave, Freemont, WI 54940
P 920-867-5012
F 920-867-5013

Red Power Diesel Service (Master Tech)

Tom Selvik

W1588 Alp Ave, Freemont, WI 54940
P 920-250-2208